Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Handling Stress at Work with Crystal Energy

So often we have stress at work from our bosses, co-workers, and the public, as a result of a small mistake blown out of proportion.  Typically, it isn't the BIG mistakes that we make that result in stress but is the small faux pas that seems to get us into trouble.  Of course, immediately you should apologize or try to make it right with the person that you have wronged or offended if possible.  Try to figure out the nature of the offense and why the person took it so badly and then make corrections in your own behavior.

Before stress occurs in the workplace, set up a harmonious environment for yourself and your co-workers.  If you only have a cubicle or even only a locker, keep your healing crystals available and nearby to promote harmony and cooperation. 

Green Aventurine and Citrine are good to strengthen your own self-confidence when it seems like everyone is against you or that you are making lots of mistakes.  A necklace could be worn, or pocket stone carried.  I recommend putting a large stone on your desk or somewhere where others can see it, too. 

Rose Quartz, Rhodonite, and Rhodocrosite will promote harmony as well as create an environment of unconditional love.  This is particularly needed when a workplace has many divergent types of personalities and those personalities clash.  A grid around the office or desk with those stones can work wonders. 

And lastly, Calcite provides motivation and facilitates change.  A large cluster of Calcite in a prominent location would be beneficial if change is what is needed in the workplace, whether it is your own attitude that needs to be changed or the attitudes/work habits of others. 

Repeating positive affirmations about work while at work can create a positive attitude - fake it til you make it is the key here.  Here are some of the positive affirmations I have compiled that I use for this purpose:

I am doing work that I enjoy.
My work is fulfilling.
I do not settle for meaningless and boring work.
My co-workers are supportive of my efforts.
I get along well with my co-workers.
I work at a steady pace to achieve my goals.
I control my anger at work.
I make correct decisions at work.
My co-workers and supervisor want me to be a success.
I can change my work when I so desire.
I enjoy my co-workers.
I love my co-workers and wish them the best in their endeavors.
I act in a profession manner.
If you are able, soothing music can be played.  Music that is designated as "Reiki Music" is especially soothing and comforting. 
Remember - you may have to fake it for awhile until it all turns around for you.  Act as though everything is fine and act as if everyone loves you and only wants the best for you. 
Hang in there  -

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Don't Forget the Quartzsite Rock Shows in January 2014

Everyone around here gets so excited about the Tucson Rock and Gem Shows that sometimes we forget about the Quartzsite shows - right out our back door!  I have always found lots of great rocks at the Quartzsite shows but the trick is to get there EARLY.  Parking is a pain so go early to get a good spot. 

Quartzsite is a small town, population about 2,000 people, in western Arizona.  it is about 20 miles east of the Colorado River on I-10.  Its been around over a hundred years.  In 1856, an early settler named Charles Tyson settled there after finding a source of water, he built a fort there to protect his water supply and it became known as Fort Tyson.  Fort Tyson became a popular stopover on the Ehrenburg - Prescott stagecoach route.  The area became known as Tyson's Wells.  Unfortunately, the stage stopped running and the town was abandoned.

Quartzsite started having rock and gem shows in the 1960s.  Back then people camped out, and it was wild and wooly.  Today, there are winter visitors showing up in multi-million dollar RVs and campers.  The town attracts over one million visitors every winter.  There is a veritable smorgasboard of over 2,000 vendors selling rocks, gems, minerals, fossils, jewelry, jewelry findings, and every else under the sun to create the world's largest open-air flea market and swap meet. 

This year's shows start EARLY - January 1 for one of the shows.  Like I said, get there early - before the shows open to get a good parking spot.  Drink coffee, eat doughnuts, plan your strategy while you wait.  Some of the shows open early so start a little early.

Before you go in - make a list to keep you on track -  what you need to buy, what you would like to buy, and maybe a couple of frivolous items.

Remember to bring:
List of what you need to buy
Cart for wheeling your purchases back to the car
Cash money and credit cards
Copy of Sales Tax Permit if you want to buy wholesale
Pencil and pad for remembering what you saw where and at what price
Folding stool or chair (stick in cart) - there are not always places to sit when you get tired
Hat - sometimes it is hot
Wear layers to take off if you need to
Bottle of water and high energy snacks
Fisherman's vest with lost of pockets to stash money, chap stick, water, business cards
Smart Phone or Ipad
Backpack to store those clothing layers that you took off

Shows for 2014
Jan. 1. - Feb 28     Desert Gardens Gem, Rock, and Mineral Show
Jan. 2 - Feb. 15    Prospectors Panorama
Jan. 3 - Feb. 12    Tyson Wells Rock and Gem Show
Jan. 6 - 26            The New Main Event
Jan. 22-26            QIA Pow Wow Gem and Mineral Show      

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Chakra Stones - What Stone goes with what Chakra?

I have many crystal healing newbies asking what stones should be used with what chakra.  The confusion seems to exist because some stones are used for more than one chakra.  Different authors and different teachers also have different ideas on what healing crystals should be used for certain chakras. 

Below is a list that gives options for the different chakras.  Use the stones you have if possible and see how they work.  You might find that some stones work better on some chakras - also it might depend on the nature of the healing that should take place and also the recipient of the crystal healing and their attitude/motivation.  Experiment and see what works best for you!

Crown Chakra:
Herkimer Diamond 
Fire Agate
Clear Quartz
Purple Howlite
Purple Dalmatian Stone
Smoky Quartz

Third Eye Chakra:
Lapis Lazuli
Shiva Agate

Throat Chakra:
Blue Lace Agate
Blue Topaz
Blue Storm Agate
Clear Quartz

Heart Chakra:
Rose Quartz
Pink Opal

Solar Plexus:
Golden Quartz
Smoky Quartz
Yellow Jasper
Yellow Fluorite
Yellow Howlite
Yellow Dalmatian Stone
Peach Selenite
Orange Elestial
Orange Millenium Carnelian

Sacral Chakra:
Red Jasper
Red Opal
Red Dalmatian Stone
Fire Agate

Base Chakra
Smoky Quartz
Black Onyx
Moqui Marbles

Experimentation is the key - you will find that you like certain stones better than others for certain chakras.  Let me know what you discover!
